
Buying wine is like using drugs (I think)

No, I have never used drugs, but I've heard it's easy to get addicted. The same goes for buying wine. I haven't been a wine geek for more than a year. I actually went from not interested in wine to wine geek in one day I think. But during this first year there haven't been many days where I haven't found a new wine I would like to buy.

As a newbie in the game I feel like there are so many great vintages out right now. I feel like it is a "once in a lifetime" oppurtunity. I just can't not buy wines now and regret it for the rest of my life, beceause there is no telling when the next great vintage will be.

I write down all the wines I want to buy in a spreadsheet. Currently I have 45 wines on the list. 45 wines with an average cost of aproximately $50 and an average of 4 bottles per wine makes the cost of that list $ 9,000. When your in your late twenties, that is a substantial amount of $.

Maybe it would be cheaper to start using drugs instead?

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